A recent article by EBN (Employee Benefit News) titled “‘There’s a lot of guilt’: The emotional burden of caregiving,” features caregiving SMEs including LifeSpeak Inc.’s own Chief Marketing Officer, Aimee Gindin, who provides insight into the importance of caregiver support and its connection to employee wellbeing. The article is a part of Employee Benefit News’ Working Caregivers 2023 series.
Caregiving platforms like Torchlight Parenting and Caregiving, a product of LifeSpeak Inc., offer tools and resources to help employees and their families navigate life’s challenges when caring for a child or elderly family member.
“You can’t have wellbeing support without family support,” says Aimee. “The value behind [caregiving platforms] is really democratizing access to the very best strategic caregiver support. Very simple investments can be life-changing for people.”
As a working caregiver herself, Aimee fully recognizes the importance of having an option like Torchlight Parenting & Caregiving readily available to employees and its immense value to families.
How can employers provide better support to employees who are also caregivers? Visit BenefitNews.com for the whole story.