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How to be Happy: What Leads to a Fulfilling Life

how to be happy

How to be Happy: What Leads to a Fulfilling Life

In honor of International Day of Happiness, we want to share this post by ALAViDA Substance Use coach A. Paul Singh where he explores how to be happy.

Have you ever found yourself contemplating the age-old question: What truly leads to a happy and fulfilling life? As we navigate the complexities of our modern world and today’s events, this question becomes increasingly relevant. Especially for those seeking positive changes in their relationship with substances.

Why pursue happiness? 

Before delving into the specifics, let’s address the fundamental question: Why is the study of happiness important? Aristotle once asserted that happiness is the prime aim of life, the goal to which all other objectives lead. It’s not a revolutionary idea. We all inherently desire happiness. Consider this: every aspiration, whether it’s a new car, a happy marriage, or a successful career, is rooted in the belief that it will bring happiness.

Happiness plays a pivotal role in overcoming substance use. A happy life acts as a strong opponent to the allure of drugs and alcohol, offering a compelling reason to avoid compromising one’s well-being. As we dive deeper into the subject, remember the main goal – achieving a happy life is not only a worthy pursuit but also a catalyst for positive change in your relationship with substances.


“The more money a person accumulates, the more they desire it, creating a perpetual cycle of unfulfilled expectations.”


How to be happy: common misconceptions about happiness 

Let’s dispel some common misconceptions about happiness. One prevalent belief is the association between money and happiness. While it’s true that having enough money to meet basic needs is crucial for well-being, the pursuit of excessive wealth often fails to significantly boost happiness. Scientific research indicates that beyond a certain income threshold, additional earnings contribute minimally to increased happiness.

Two psychological principles – adaptation and the desire for more – explain this phenomenon. Humans possess a remarkable ability to adapt to positive changes. This leads to the diminishing returns of increased wealth over time. Additionally, the more money a person accumulates, the more they desire it, creating a perpetual cycle of unfulfilled expectations.

According to Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman1, the tipping point beyond which increased income yields negligible gains in happiness is approximately $75,000 per year. Understanding this threshold allows us to reevaluate our pursuit of wealth. Leaving us to focus on other aspects that contribute more significantly to our wellbeing.


“Investing in relationships, meaningful work, a sense of purpose, personal growth, and altruism creates a foundation for sustained happiness.”


5 key factors for a happy life 

You can cultivate a foundation for a happy and fulfilling life by prioritizing these factors into your lifestyle. Happiness is not a destination, but a journey. One shaped by intentional choices and a commitment to nurturing the aspects of life that contribute most significantly to your wellbeing.

Strong personal relationships

Positive psychology – the shift in the field that focuses less on what is wrong with people, and more on the factors that lead to a fulfilling life – affirms what intuition often tells us: the quality of our relationships plays a key role in our happiness. Numerous studies, including the Harvard Study of Adult Development2, emphasize that the happiest moments in life are invariably linked to meaningful connections with others. Whether in the context of friendships, family, or romantic partnerships, fostering strong relationships emerges as a foundational element for a fulfilling and happy life.

Rewarding work 

Considering that a significant portion of our waking hours are dedicated to work, its impact on our overall well-being is profound. Viewing work as more than just a job – as a career or, ideally, a calling – can significantly enhance life satisfaction. A calling, usually characterized by an essential value and joy in the work itself, surpasses the short-lived rewards associated with a job or a career. Even seemingly mundane occupations can become callings when individuals recognize the higher, noble purpose embedded within them.

Sense of meaning and purpose

Connecting to something larger than us, whether it is a person, a cause, or a higher power, contributes to a profound sense of meaning and purpose. This connection serves as a compelling reason to face life’s challenges with resilience and determination. As Viktor Frankl discovered in the crucible of Auschwitz, having a ‘why to live’ enables individuals to tolerate most difficult situations, emphasizing the importance of a transcendent purpose in navigating life’s complexities.

Becoming your best self

The journey towards becoming the best version of ourselves aligns with the wisdom of philosophers and psychologists alike. Striving to reach your greatest potential and evolve into a mature, wise, and developed individual fosters happiness and fulfillment. A few examples of becoming your best self involves knowing and understanding yourself, appreciating how past events have shaped us, and living in alignment with your deepest desires and values. Cultivating a relationship with yourself marked by respect, acceptance, and compassion are some of the most potent defenses to navigate life’s adversities.

Helping others

The act of altruism, like volunteering or random acts of kindness, has a reciprocal effect on our happiness. Helping others redirects our focus from personal concerns, builds a positive self-image, and provides a broader perspective on our own challenges. As the saying goes, the greatest gift one can give is often the simple act of listening and supporting others.


Happiness bolsters mental health

The pursuit of happiness is a journey guided by intentional choices and priorities. By understanding the science-backed elements that lead to a well-lived life, you can embark on a transformative path towards greater happiness and, for those seeking change, a healthier relationship with substances.

Remember, the pursuit of wealth alone may offer temporary satisfaction, but investing in relationships, meaningful work, a sense of purpose, personal growth, and altruism creates a foundation for sustained happiness. As you navigate the complexities of life, keep in mind that a happy life is not just a goal but a powerful ally in overcoming challenges and embracing positive change.

Are you looking to help your members lead more fulfilling lives and make wellbeing a priority at your organization? LifeSpeak Mental Health and Resilience can help your members better understand key issues that affect mental health and take positive action through on-demand, expert resources, tools, and microlearnings.

ALAViDA Substance Use is a leading virtual care solution providing evidence-based resources and personalized coaching services for anyone who would like to change their relationship with substance use.

To learn more about our full suite of solutions, request a demo today.


About the author:

Paul Singh is a virtual health coach at ALAViDA Substance Use, a product of LifeSpeak Inc. He has over 25 years of experience in providing alcohol use counselling and has worked as a therapist in virtually every part of the continuum of care, including detox, outpatient, and residential treatment programs.

Featured speaker at several national conferences, Paul has delivered 1000+ presentations across Canada and the United States on mental health and substance use issues. Paul holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Cornell University, a law degree from New York University School of Law, and a master’s in social work from the University of Chicago.




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