Championing Change: A Conversation With Dr. Chika Stacy Oriuwa About Advocacy, Medicine, and Resilience

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Championing Change: A Conversation With Dr. Chika Stacy Oriuwa About Advocacy, Medicine, and Resilience
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Pioneering physician, psychiatrist, and spoken-word poet, Dr. Chika Stacy Oriuwa shares her journey from being the only Black student in her cohort at medical school to becoming a vocal advocate for equity in medicine. Dr. Oriuwa’s work helped admit the largest group of Black medical students in Canada, and, in her discussion with LifeSpeak’s Marianne Wisenthal, she reflects on the systemic racism she faced, her role in changing the narrative, and her personal and professional growth.


Unlike the Rest: A Doctor’s Story by Dr. Chika Stacy Oriuwa (Publishing Oct 1st, 2024)

Photo credit: Christie Vuong


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